Brushweed Deal for the 2016-17 Season
It's getting to that time of year to tackle the gorse and broom on your farm.
We have released our new season of Brushweed spraying deals and we are happy to say that we have managed to keep the prices down and can offer the same great deals as last season.
For Gorse and Broom (minimum 2 Ha):
Tordon XT - $490.00 per Ha (Our top pick)
Conquest - $455.00 per Ha
For Gorse only (minimum 4 Ha):
Associate at label rate 500 g/ha - $295.00 per Ha
Associate at Double strength - $325.00 per Ha (We recommend using the double strength rate on gorse for a better kill.)
For Matagouri, Briar, Horehound (minimum 10 Ha):
Associate at extra strength rate - $155.00 per Ha
All prices are +gst and include Chemical and application.
For bookings please contact us.
Office Phone: 03 439 5656
Matthew Brown: 027 227 8256